Periodic Continual Temporary Insanity
My wife says that I'm crazy steelhead. She says chromer that I have one foot in reality fishing and another in the rivers with steelhead the Steelhead. She doesn't rainbow even understand trout how much I give up roebag to be with her jigs. jigs and floats. Every Spring rainintheforecast and every fall gottacallMike she says the same thing steelhead: "you fish" chromer chromer chromer "too much!" Which is not true steelhead, and I can prove it fishing. And when floatdown I do in fact prove it fishon she tells me instead that I steelhead think too much fishing about fishing.
I don't know rod&reel where she gets theriverisready these crazy ideas. I might steelhead think a little bit too fishing much about it in steelhead October chromer and November fishon. And maybe again in hookset March, April steelhead and May huge chromer. split shot. pro-cure. But thinking about it steelhead too much? Whatever fishing!!!
I don't think castanddrift so!
Ok...My wife...She says your weird!
Go fishing! Geesh.
Hide behind your wife, you half-man! you eunoch!
Well, you know what they say...Behind every strong woman is her man. Err...wait a minute :0/
Both you guys are twits
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